About Jorieography Workshops
Jorieography offers 2 types of workshops for Schools, Theatre Companies, and Individuals
Jorie Janeway's unique programs are geared towards providing individuals, theatre companies and schools with musical theatre training content. The in person, as well as online asynchronous workshops focus on challenging students to stretch their triple threat muscles in a super fun environment.
Jorieography Workshops put equal goal-setting value on each element of showmanship and give comprehensive guidance on how to prepare creative materials. From this training, students will be able to apply these skills as they prepare for future auditions and performance work. Each week there will be different elements that will be rigorous, however, perfection is neither the expectation, nor the goal. Jorieography Workshops help individuals become the absolute best triple threat version of themselves!
Overall Educational Goals for Workshops:
Build knowledge and appreciation for specific musical theatre styles
Apply knowledge of show styles to elements of showmanship - singing, dancing, acting
Enhance ability to create characters to promote effective storytelling
Develop an understanding of one's own triple threat skills and voice as a performer
Identify and apply the fundamental skills to effectively learn music, pick up choreography, and analyze a character
Learn from the given tools and rehearse within a self-structured timeline

Show Specific Workshops
Students will work with materials from one particular musical theatre show which will give them insight into the show's vocal, choreographic, and writing styles. Singing, dancing, and acting will each be worked on separately before combining all triple threat elements in the final week.
Triple Threat Workshops
Students will focus on learning a brief cut from a song within a different musical each week. All of these musical cuts involve singing, dancing, and acting at the same time in order to work on stamina, understand the importance of each element, and above all, to stretch those triple threat muscles!